Daintree Cassowaries are they Deadly?

On Threatened Species Day (today!) there’s one simple thing you can do to Save the Cassowary!

Many people think Cassowaries are dangerous, even deadly! Turns out that’s far from the truth. I’ve encountered Cassowaries in the rainforest dozens of times (safely). Here are my tips.

Cassowaries like to mind their own business so give them some space as they’ll defend themselves and their chicks. And don’t feed them, you don’t want a 1.8 m bird thinking you’ll be providing lunch.

What’s very clear is some human behaviours are deadly to Cassowaries. The number one threat to Cassowaries is the loss of habitat. We’ve destroyed their rainforest homes and Cassowaries are now listed as a Threatened species.

On Threatened Species Day (today!) let’s do one simple thing to turn this around by planting trees for the endangered Cassowary.

With your help, we will restore the Daintree Lowland Rainforest where clearing has occurred in the past. This will create a buffer for the Daintree National Park and increase habitat for Cassowaries and other wildlife. The cost of growing, planting, and maintaining one tree is $10. I need to raise $10,000 to establish 1,000 trees for the endangered Cassowary.

Please donate now to get this project growing. Every $10 will establish one rainforest tree for the endangered Cassowary.

In 1982 the Queensland government approved an 1,137-lot rural residential subdivision in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest in Far North Queensland. The development that followed resulted in the construction of over 50 km of roads. This created Lot 11 Buchanan Creek Road. The rainforest on this property was partially cleared in preparation for the construction of a house. Fortunately, the development never occurred however a large clearing on the property remains. Now it’s time to return the rainforest to Lot 11 and restore habitat for the endangered Southern Cassowary.

Starting in October we will:

  • Remove the weeds from Lot 11 Buchanan Creek Road
  • Plant 1,000 rainforest trees
  • Then, for the next three years will care for the trees to ensure they all survive. This will involve eliminating competition by removing weeds that germinate on the site
  • Report back to the donors who made this possible 

We have completed many successful revegetation projects in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest and to get this project growing all we need is your support.  

Please donate now to get this project growing. Every $10 will establish one rainforest tree for the endangered Cassowary.

Please donate now to get this project growing. Every $10 will establish one rainforest tree for the endangered Cassowary. Photo courtesy of Daintree Life.

Thank you for helping to Save the Cassowary and the Daintree Lowland Rainforest.

Kelvin Davies


Rainforest 4 Foundation

Phone: 0437 423 119

P.S. If you have any questions about this project to restore habitat for Cassowaries in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest please or email me at [email protected] or call me during business hours at 0437 423 119.



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  • Kelvin Davies
    published this page in Latest News 2021-09-07 13:26:20 +1000