Help save Lot 3 in the Daintree Rainforest for only $75,000
Please donate now. A donation of $25 will purchase and protect five sqm of the Daintree Rainforest.
The purchase of Lot 3 will protect two distinct ecosystems
Urgent action to save threated Daintree habitat!
If we act today a unique Daintree Rainforest can be purchased and protected for only $75,000.
Lot 3 Thornton Peak Drive, Forest Creek is 1.43 ha in size and provides habitat for seven threatened species of plants and animals. It’s also at risk of development, so I’ve acted quickly to exchange a contract of sale and pay a 10% deposit of $3,750.
The challenge I now have is to settle on the purchase. To do that I must raise the full amount by the 30th of September 2019. That gives me only 95 days to raise the remaining $71,250.
The property is 1.43 ha in size (14,300 sqm). With a purchase price of $75,000 or $5.25 per sqm. A long-time donor has provided $3,750 for the deposit. This reduced the funds required to $71,250 or less than $5 per sqm meter.
Please, will you help purchase and protect Lot 3 Thornton Peak Drive in the Daintree Rainforest. Every $5.00 you donate will save one square metre of the Daintree. If you donate $25 you will save five square meters of essential Cassowary habitat! A donation of $50 will save 10 square meters and $100 will save twenty square meters of the World Heritage value Daintree Rainforest.
This very special property urgently needs to be purchased and protected. Lot 3 Thornton Peak Drive is a freehold property zoned by the Douglas Shire Council as suitable for development.
Buying Lot 3 Thornton Peak Drive will be a fantastic outcome for conservation as it connects to the Daintree National Park and provides vital habitat for the Endangered Southern Cassowary.
Six Threatened plant species have been found on the property that are listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. This includes the Thornton Aspen, a very rare plant previously found at only six locations between the Daintree River and Bloomfield to the north.
The Thornton Aspen is endemic to the Daintree Rainforest.
Lot 3 Thornton Peak Drive has two distinct ecosystems, lowland tropical rainforest, and a dryer sclerophyll forest. A small creek runs through the property and there are many beautiful Fan Palms. There is evidence of Cassowaries (lots of scats or droppings) and Bennetts Tree-kangaroos have recently been sighted nearby.
Lot 3 Thornton Peak Drive is located at Forest Creek, immediately north of the Daintree River. Buying land in this location helps us to wind back the impacts of the disastrous 1980’s rural residential subdivision. Please, will you make a tax-deductible donation now to save essential habitat for the endangered Cassowary.
Creek and Fan Palms
I began buying land in the Daintree Rainforest for conservation in 1999. With the support of people like yourself I’ve contributed to the purchase of 41 properties, so I know we can do this and all that’s needed is your support.
Through our project Land Purchase to Save the Daintree National Park, we are buying land and adding properties to the Daintree National Park and World Heritage Area. With your help, we will safeguard Cassowaries and six species of Threatened plants in this critical habitat. Please take action today and help us Save the Cassowary through the purchase of Lot 3 Thornton Peak Drive.
Please join me and make a tax-deductible donation now.
For the Daintree Rainforest,
Kelvin Davies
Rainforest 4 Foundation
Phone: 0437 423 119
P.S. You can donate now online or if you want to donate with a cheque/money order or through a direct deposit please see our Ways to Donate page.
P.P.S If you have any questions about the purchase and protection of Lot 3 Thornton Peak Drive please email me at [email protected] or call me on 0437 423 119. Please also see our Lot 3 in the Daintree Q&A page.
You can donate now online or if you want to donate with a cheque/money order or through a direct deposit please see our Ways to Donate page.
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