Another block in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest has been protected forever at Lot 213 Teak Road at Cow Bay. This wonderful outcome was made possible through the contributions of hundreds of generous donors and the significant fundraising efforts of fellow not-for-profit HalfCut.
Lot 213 Teak Road in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest
HalfCut rallied its supporters to raise more than $800,000 over the months of July and August which meant we could secure Lot 213 Teak Road along with several other blocks in the Daintree. That total figure was helped along by some generous donors and businesses who made it possible to offer a matching gifts program. They literally matched every dollar donated by everyday Australians over one day in August.
Before we signed the contract to purchase Lot 213 Teak Road, we had it surveyed by ecologist Kristopher Kupsch. Kristopher identified more than 128 native plant species on the property.
The Daintree Gardenia (Randia audasii) is listed as Near Threatened in Queensland and was one of the plants identified on the block. This small tree has a distribution restricted to the area between Cooktown, Cairns, and Atherton produce stunning white, perfumed flowers, and fruit that are orange when ripe. Cassowaries love the fruits of the Daintree Gardenia, as they do the fleshy fruits of the 11 species of native Laurels located on Lot 213.
Protecting these plants and animals is critical to our success in protecting all of Earth’s biodiversity from the effects of runaway climate change. And sadly, climate change isn’t the only threat to the precious ecosystems of the Daintree.
Jimmy and his partner Jess are the founders of the HalfCut movement, which shines a light on the fact that half of the world’s forests have been destroyed. This is exactly what they’re trying to prevent in the Daintree.
“Just 500 metres away from Lot 213 in Cow Bay, properties are being cleared for residential development,” Jimmy said.
“Lot 213 is the 13th block that Rainforest4 has purchased in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest in two years and we’re thrilled to have been part of its protection.”
“If we do not continue to buy back these blocks then they will be cleared for houses, and we simply can’t allow that to happen.”
Jimmy HalfCut in the Daintree Rainforest
Kelvin Davies, the founder of Rainforest 4 Foundation said he was overwhelmed with the contributions to HalfCut 2021. Kelvin called all of the participants “HalfCut Heroes” and thanked them for securing Daintree’s Lot 213 and protecting it forever.
“Lot 213 is covered in an ecosystem listed as ‘Of Concern’ in the Queensland Vegetation Management Act,” Kelvin said. “It is essential habitat for the Endangered Southern Cassowary.”
“Yet, it truly is the outstanding diversity of plants which makes this block so significant.”
You can read more about the special plants on Lot 213, including the Daintree Satinash (Syzygium monospermum), Daintree Foambark (Jagera madida) and Noah's Walnut (Endiandra microneural) here.
Lot 213 Teak Road in Cow Bay will be managed as part of the Daintree National Park estate. This will occur through our established process, whereby the properties acquired by the Rainforest 4 Foundation are then transferred to the Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation and Land Trust where they are managed by the Traditional Owners, the Eastern Kuku Yalanji as part of the Daintree National Park and Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land (CYPAL) estate.
In 2007, the Eastern Kuku Yalanji signed a series of Indigenous Land Use Agreements with the Queensland Government. These agreements recognise Eastern Kuku Yalanji's rights to be custodians and managers of their traditional country. Under these agreements, Eastern Kuku Yalanji people will be involved in managing Daintree National Park. The Queensland Government provides funding to the Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation to co-manage the Daintree National Park and this includes the properties acquired through our buyback program.
Please make a donation now towards the next Daintree Rainforest property purchase.
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