Your rights and responsibilities
You agree that:
- By giving your details to be entered into the online form at you are authorising and requesting the Rainforest 4 Foundation to arrange funds to be debited from your account at the Financial Institution identified. All details of the accounts to be debited have been supplied in the online form.
- You will ensue there is sufficient funds available for the debit of your credit card each month.
- You will advise us of the details of any change in your Credit Card details including any new expiry dates.
Your rights:
- If you wish to stop or defer one of your contributions you must notify us in writing at least five (5) business days before the next scheduled debit.
- We will provide you with the opportunity to alter the terms of your debit arrangement by providing you with a supporter number and login details for where you can manage any increase, decrease or cancelation of your debit arrangement.
- You can also change the arrangements by contacting us on 0437 423 119 or by email to [email protected].
- We will provide you with updates on the outcomes achieved for rainforest conservation though your donation.
We will:
1, Keep your personal information confidential.
2, Debit your Credit Card monthly on the date of signing this agreement.
3, Reattempt any unsuccessful Credit Card transactions at 3, 5 and 7 days after the original drawing date.
4, Give you ten days’ notice of any change on the terms of this debit agreement.
5, In July of each year, issue you with a receipt for your tax-deductible donations for the previous 12 months.
We abide by the Privacy Act of 1988 and National Privacy Principals. We will not sell or share your personal information with any other organisation or business without your consent. Please see our Privacy Policy and Security Policy.
The Rainforest 4 Foundation is registered with the Australian Government as a Company Limited by Guarantee (a non-profit organisation) and with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. We are committed to collaborating with likeminded organisations and our principal partner is Mullum Seed Inc. All donations are tax-deductible and are received into the Bunya Sustainability Fund managed by Mullum Seed. The Bunya Fund is a gift fund listed on the Register of Environmental Organisations under item 6.1.1 of subsection 30-55 (1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act of 1997. Donation are tax-deductible.