Success with Road Closure to Save the Daintree
It's time to celebrate as five roads in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest are permanently closed and revegetated. Our partners Daintree Life set out to close five service roads and return them to rainforest for Cassowaries and other endangered wildlife. With your support, success has come.
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A recently revised development proposal by the Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch pushing for reticulated power north of the Daintree River has re-ignited residents’ concerns over how this would negatively impact the pristine World Heritage value environment they live in and the tourism it generates.
Read moreDaintree Rainforest FAQ’s
Where is the Daintree Rainforest, why is it so important and what’s being done to protect it? We've responded with answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Daintree Lowland Rainforest.
Read moreNew petition calls for Daintree conservation plan
Rainforest 4 is calling on all three levels of government to work together on a conservation management plan for the Daintree Lowland Rainforest.
Read moreSix things you (probably) don't know about the Cassowary
The Southern Cassowary is a large flightless bird that in Australia is found only in the wet tropical rainforests of Queensland. Southern Cassowaries consume over 150 different fruits and play a vital role as seed dispersers in the rainforest. Due to the destruction and fragmentation of their rainforest habitats, these large charismatic birds are classified as Vulnerable to extinction.
Read moreRoad Closure a Victory for Daintree Conservation
A significant conservation outcome for the Daintree Rainforest has occurred as roads associated with a failed rural residential subdivision begin to be closed. Reversing the impacts of development has been a long-held vision for Kelvin Davies, an advocate for the conservation of the area.
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