It's time to 'be the change' in the fight against global warming. All donations towards the purchase and protection of this special property, up to $350,000, will now be matched dollar for dollar. This means your gift will have twice the impact, bringing us twice as close to an incredible win for conservation.
Maalan Cloud Forest in the landscape
We need your help to save the 83 hectare Maalan Cloud Forest, a high-altitude rainforest habitat home to endemic and threatened species that have nowhere else to go. This property provides habitat for the Spectacled Flying Fox, Spotted-tail Quoll, Southern Cassowary, Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo, Lemuroid Ringtail Possum, Green Ringtail Possum, Herbert River Ringtail Possum, and the Golden Bowerbird.
Recognising the urgency of this situation, one of our conservation partners is matching all gifts dollar for dollar up to $350,000.
That means your gift will have double the impact! Please, act now to help purchase and protect the Maalan Cloud Forest.
2-FOR-1 GIFT: Please, act now to help us purchase and protect the Maalan Cloud Forest in the Atherton Tablelands. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar.
Each $1.50 you donate will purchase 2 square metres of cloud forest. A donation of $30 buys 40 square metres. A donation of $150 will purchase 100 square metres and $300 will purchase and protect 200 square metres of cloud forest.
Prefer to use PayPal? Please donate here.
King Ferns (Angiopteris evecta) are the biggest ferns in the world, with fronds reaching up to 8m in length.
A property with incredible ecological value
Nestled between two World Heritage-listed national parks, the Maalan Cloud Forest in Maalan is a critical piece of the puzzle in ensuring the future of Cloud Forest on the Atherton Tablelands. Around 45 hectares of this 83 hectare block in Maalan, Far North Queensland is already covered in remnant rainforest. Once the remaining 35 hectares of cleared land has been revegetated and restored, it will complete a high priority Wet Tropics corridor connecting Maalan National Park and Wooroonooran National Park.
The beautiful Maalan River runs through the property
Globing warming threatens cool-climate rainforest species
Climate change is shaping up to be worse than we thought, quicker than we thought. As the weather continues to heat up, the preservation of cloud forest in the Atherton Tablelands is more crucial than ever.
These high-altitude, cool-climate rainforest habitats provide refuge for several endemic, isolated and climate-sensitive species such as the endangered Spectacled Flying Fox, White Lemuroid Ringtail possum and the Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo.
On the brink - the White Lemuroid Ringtail Possum
These rainforests are also home to other significant species including the endangered Southern Cassowary, Spotted-Tail quoll, Green Ringtail Possum, Herbert River Ringtail Possum, and the Golden Bowerbird.
We know you care about the future of our rainforests, wildlife and the generations to come.
Contributing to the purchase of the Maalan Cloud Forest is your chance to be part of the solution. Buying this property for conservation could be our only chance to complete the ‘missing link’ between two world-heritage listed national parks, and create a vital wildlife corridor for the threatened species that call this cool-climate rainforest habitat home.
The total project cost is $1.2 million. If we can unlock the full potential of the matched gift by raising a further $700,000 it will take us much closer to our goal.
2-FOR-1 GIFT: Please, act now to help us purchase and protect the Maalan Cloud Forest in the Atherton Tablelands. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar.
Each $1.50 you donate will purchase 2 square metres of cloud forest. A donation of $30 buys 40 square metres. A donation of $150 will purchase 100 square metres and $300 will purchase and protect 200 square metres of cloud forest.
Prefer to use PayPal? Please donate here.
The endangered Spectacled Flying-fox
A nature refuge for generations to come
The successful purchase of the Maalan Cloud Forest will result in the creation of a nature refuge which will be managed by our strategic project partner South Endeavour Trust, a registered non- profit organisation that acquires and manages land for conservation.
We will revegetate 35ha of this property cleared for cattle grazing, through the strategic planting of 125,000 native trees. This expansion of habitat will complete the wildlife corridor.
Prefer to use PayPal? Please donate here.
Thank you for all you do in helping to save our rainforests.
For the future,
Kelvin Davies
Founder, Rainforest 4 Foundation
P.S. If you have any questions about this project to purchase and protect the Maalan Cloud Forest please email me at [email protected] or call me on 0437 423 119.
Find out more about the Maalan Cloud Forest, or check out our Facebook album of cloud forest photos.
We’ll also keep you updated on the project via Facebook and our blog.
Reminder, an affordable gift every month is the very best way to support the work of the Rainforest 4 Foundation. Make your monthly pledge today. FAQs about monthly gifts are answered here.
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