We have now purchased 29 properties in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest. This helps prevent development in the world's oldest rainforest and reverse the negative impacts of the subdivision. We have provided information on the individual properties. This map shows the properties purchased (yellow, outlined in orange) in the Forest Creek, Kimberley, Cow Bay, and Diwan localities. We have also purchased a property in Cape Tribulation (not pictured). The area shown in green is the Daintree National Park, and nature refuges are in khaki. We have also supported the purchase of Cheelonga Cloud Forest and Oakey Scrub (see descriptions below).

Purchase and Protection of Lot 34 Cape Tribulation Road
Lot 34 Cape Tribulation Road is located at Diwan in the heart of the iconic Daintree Lowland Rainforest. This freehold property was created through a rural residential subdivision in 1982 and it is zoned by the Douglas Shire Council as being suitable for development.

Purchase and Protection of Lot 26 Ronald Road
Lot 26 Ronald Road is a freehold property of 2.093 hectares located at Forest Creek where the endangered Southern Cassowary and the rare Bennetts Tree-Kangaroo have recently been sighted. Offered for sale on the open market and could have been sold to someone wishing to develop the property.

Purchase and Protection of Lot 150 Cape Tribulation Road
During our inspection of Lot 150, we discovered a population of Ribbonwood trees (Idiospermum australiense). This species represents one of the earliest known lineages of flowering plants, dating back 120 million years. This property has now been purchased so it can be managed for conservation.

Purchase and Protection of Cheelonga Cloud Forest
The purchase of Cheelonga protects 18 hectares of high-altitude Cloud Forest and provide an essential refuge for endemic mammals that have nowhere else to go.

Daintree Buyback, Purchase and Protection Lot 398 in the Daintree
Lot 398 Maple Road was a 1.412 hectare freehold property located in Cow Bay, Queensland. The vegetation on Lot 398 Maple Road is classified as 7.11.1a Mesophyll vine forest in lowlands and foothills on metamorphic soils. This property has been purchased so it can be managed for conservation.

Daintree Buyback, Purchase and Protection Lot 93 in the Daintree
Lot 93 Cape Tribulation Road is an 8.09-hectare freehold property located at Diwan in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest that provides habitat for the endangered Southern Cassowary. This property has been purchased so it can be managed for conservation.

Daintree Buyback, Purchase and Protection Lot 197 Quandong Rd, Cow Bay
Lot 197 Quandong Road, Cow Bay is a freehold property in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest that provides habitat for the endangered Southern Cassowary and the rare Bennett's Tree-kangaroo. This property has been purchased so it can be managed for conservation.

Daintree Buyback Lot 6 Thornton Peak Drive Purchase and Protection
Lot 6 Thornton Peak Drive at Forest Creek is a freehold property in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest that provides habitat for the endangered Southern Cassowary and the rare Bennett's Tree-kangaroo. This property has been purchased so it can be managed for conservation.

Daintree Buyback Lot Lot 373 Hickory Road Purchase and Protection
Lot 373 Hickory Road adjoins the Daintree National Park and World Heritage Area. Our survey identified four plant species listed as Threatened on Lot 373. This property has been purchased so it can be managed for conservation.

Daintree Buyback Lot 257 Silver Ash Road Purchase and Protection
Lot 257 Silver Ash Road is located between two isolated areas of the Daintree National Park. Purchase of this property will link them up. Our survey identified five species listed as Threatened on Lot 257. This property has been purchased and managed for conservation.

Daintree Buyback Lot 8 Buchanan Creek Road Purchase and Protection
LThe high biodiversity and spectacular tropical rainforest at Lot 8 Buchanan Creek Road justify its immediate purchase and protection. The Daintree Lowland Rainforest is a living museum and Lot 8 Buchannan Creek Road is an important refuge for biodiversity.

Daintree Buyback Lot 213 Teak Road Purchase and Protection
Of particular importance is the Daintree Gardenia (Randia audasii). This small tree is endemic to Far North Queensland and is restricted to the area between Cooktown, Cairns, and Atherton. It produces white perfumed flowers and fruit that are orange when ripe.

Daintree Buyback Lot 11 Buchanan Creek Road Purchase and Protection
Lot 11 Buchanan Creek Road at Cow Bay shares a boundary with the Daintree National Park. The property also has many of the natural values that supported the national park being declared a World Heritage Area in 1988. Our survey of Lot 11 identified 185 species of native plants including three Threatened species.

Daintree Buyback Lot 242 White Beeach Road Purchase and Protection
Lot 242 White Beech Road is a 1.33-hectare property at Cow Bay in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest. It shares a boundary with the Daintree National Park and World Heritage Area and provides habitat for the endangered Southern Cassowary.

Daintree Buyback Lot 18 Daley Close Purchase and Protection
Lot 18 Daley Close at Kimberly shares a boundary with the Daintree National Park and World Heritage Area. Undeveloped freehold properties in the Daintree should not be left in the ownership of people who would destroy the rainforest.

Land Purchase to Save the Northern Quoll
Northern Quolls are in trouble and need our help. Northern Quolls are under threat from habitat destruction and poisoning from the introduced cane toad, which the Quolls eat without realising the danger. Oakey Scrub has the highest known population of Northern Quolls on Cape York Penninsula.

Daintree Buyback Lot 176 Purchase and Protection
Our ecologist surveyed Lot 176 Quandong Road and found remnant vegetation with little human interference. The property has 152 native species as well as an ecosystem with dominant Sclerophyll elements.

Daintree Buyback Lot 2 Purchase and Protection
Lot 2 comprises two distinct ecosystems by changes in soil/drainage conditions. One a Sclerophyll open woodland and the other a closed canopy Rainforest habitat.

Daintree Buyback Lot 21 Purchase and Protection
Representing one of the best examples of undisturbed Lowland Tropical Rainforest remaining in Australia. A survey of Lot 21 found 215 species of native plants including threatened species and others that are regionally endemic.

Daintree Buyback Lot 505 Purchase and Protection
A feature of the property is the local endemic Daintree Foambark tree (Jagera madida) which is prevalent throughout Lot 505. This species only occurs in the lowland rainforests between Julatten – Bloomfield.

Daintree Buyback Lot 110 Purchase and Protection
The Fan Palms in the Daintree Rainforest are exceptionally beautiful and where they dominate, the rainforest is stunning. This is one of Australia’s most beautiful landscapes and thanks to the support of many generous donors Lot 110 Palm Road is now protected forever.

Daintree Buyback Lot 167 Purchase and Protection
This property is covered by lowland tropical rainforest classified as Regional Ecosystem 7.3.20a "Open forest (or vine forest with these emergents) on alluvial fans at the base of ranges". We identified Lot 167 Buchanan Creek Road at Cow Bay as a priority property for purchase and protection due to the high level of risk from development.

Daintree Buyback Lot 85 Purchase and Protection
The vegetation on Lot 85 Cape Tribulation road is well developed lowland rainforest occurring on poorly drained alluvial soil dominated by Fan Palms (Licuala ramsayi) with much surface water. In areas with slightly better drainage a more complex forest assemblage with tall buttressed trees, many vines and more understorey species is found.

Daintree Buyback Lot 157 Purchase and Protection
The rainforest vegetation found on Lot 157 is the grandest and most archaic of all rainforests in Australia, possessing many primitive flowering plants. The high diversity of 270 plant species and the presence of 12 plant species listed under conservation legislation highlights the refugial endemism of this particular rainforest on Lot 157.

Daintree Buyback Lot 155 Purchase and Protection
Lot 155 Cape Tribulation Road is 8.835 hectares in size it provides vital habitat for the Endangered Southern Cassowary. Ecologist Kristopher Kupsch surveyed the plants on Lot 155 in February 2020. He identified 240 plants including seven species of conservation importance that are listed on the Nature Conservation Act 1992.

Daintree Buyback Lot 330 Purchase and Protection
Lot 330 Cape Tribulation Road in the Daintree Rainforest is 1 ha in size and is completely covered by tropical rainforest. Buying and protecting this property will be a fantastic outcome for conservation. It connects to the Daintree National Park and is vital habitat for the Endangered Cassowary.

Daintree Buyback Lot 124 Purchase and Protection

Daintree Buyback Lot 390 Purchase and Protection
Lot 390 Maple Road, Cow Bay is 1 ha in size and is completely covered by tropical rainforest. Buying and protecting this property will be a fantastic outcome for conservation. It connects to the Daintree National Park and is vital habitat for the Endangered Cassowary.

Daintree Buyback Lot 3 Purchase & Protection
A pledged gift completed fundraising for this project in November 2019.
The rainforest and other ecosystems of Lot 3 Thornton Peak Drive in Forest Creek hosts more than 230 species of plants, including six threatened species. Purchasing this property is a conservation priority.

Daintree Buyback Lot 305 Purchase and Protection

Bringing Back Byron Shire's Rainforest Birds
Some of Australia’s most beautiful rainforest birds are threatened with extinction due to the loss of their rainforest habitat. In the Byron Shire of Northern NSW, 99% of the Lowland Subtropical Rainforest has been cleared and urgent action is required to restore the rainforest for Threatened species.

Daintree Buyback Lot 107 Purchase and Protection
Lot 107 Buchanan Creek Road, Cow Bay is 1 ha in size and is completely covered by tropical rainforest. Buying and protecting this property will be a fantastic outcome for conservation. It connects to the Daintree National Park in multiple directions and is vital habitat for the Endangered Cassowary.

A significant milestone in the long struggle to save the Daintree Rainforest is now within reach as we have the opportunity to begin closing and revegetating some of the roads. We need your help to see this outcome achieved.