Land purchase to Save the Daintree



Action: Purchase and protection of Lot 18 Daley Close (Lot 18 RP 740684)

Area: 0.9588 hectares

Location: Kimberley, Daintree Lowland Rainforest, Queensland

Vegetation type: Regional ecosystem 7.11.1 described as Mesophyll vine forest. Present on lowlands and foothills on metamorphics in very wet and wet rainfall zones. 

Threatened Species: Southern Cassowary, Noah's Walnut

Another great outcome for the protection of the Daintree Lowland Rainforest has been achieved with the purchase of Lot 18 Daley Close at Kimberley. 

Thank you to the hundreds of wonderful donors who helped make this happen.

Lot 18 Daley Close at Kimberly shares a boundary with the Daintree National Park and World Heritage Area. Undeveloped freehold properties in the Daintree should not be left in the ownership of people who would destroy the rainforest. Development for housing fragments the rainforest and has negative on impacts the surrounding rainforest.

The rainforest on this freehold property is of equal value to the adjoining Daintree National Park and World Heritage Area and must be protected

Lot 18 Daley Close at Kimberly in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest was a freehold property in private ownership and could have been developed for housing. The development of other properties at Kimberley has caused significant damage. Clearing of vegetation and the creation of roads to the top of the ridges obtain views causes enormous damage.  

View from Lot 18 Daley Close in the Daintree Rainforest

The vegetation on Lot 18 Daley Close is intact with no evidence of past clearing. See the photos of the rainforest on Lot 18 Daley Close here

Lot 18 Daley Close provides habitat for the endangered Southern Cassowary and the rare Bennett’s Tree-kangaroo. An important plant found on the property is Noah’s Walnut (Endiandra micronuera) which is listed as Near Threatened under the Queensland Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The vegetation ecosystem occurring on Lot 18 Daley Close is mapped as Regional Ecosystem 7.11.1 described as Mesophyll vine forest. Present on lowlands and foothills on metamorphics in very wet and wet rainfall zones. This regional ecosystem is a habitat for over 50 threatened plant species.

A subdivision was carved into the Daintree Lowland Rainforest in 1982. This created Lot 18 Daley Road and dozens of rural residential lots in Kimberley. The houses that have been built here fragment the rainforest and occupation brings domestic dogs and exotic plants. This has damaged one of the most significant areas of tropical rainforests in Australia.

Fifteen years ago, the Douglas Shire Council created a new town plan that included measures to conserve the Daintree Lowland Rainforest, however, they excluded the subdivision at Kimberley and the freehold properties at this location remain at risk of being developed for housing.

Thanks to the generous support of many donors Lot 18 Daley Close is now protected forever. 

Rainforest on Lot 18 Daley Close in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest

Please make a donation to purchase and protect the next property in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest.


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