Another Daintree Rainforest property has been cleared for housing development in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest. The rainforest on this property in Cow Bay was destroyed last week along with habitat for the endangered Cassowary and other threatened species.
The devastation on the Bloodwood Road property after clearing for housing development
When I made an offer to purchase Lot 189 Bloodwood Road in Cow Bay in December the price was accepted, and I thought we had a deal. I then asked if the settlement on the purchase could occur in 90 days rather than 30, so we would have the time to raise the funds. The answer was no, they needed the funds in 30 days and the opportunity was lost.
On Sunday I visited Bloodwood Road in Cow Bay and was devastated (but not surprised) to see the rainforest destroyed. This is what happens when these blocks are purchased by others who would destroy the oldest rainforest in the world for housing. See more pictures here.
Please, will you put a stop to the destruction of the Daintree Rainforest, will you make a tax-deductible donation now.
Lot 198 Bloodwood Road was a beautiful undisturbed rainforest block with an overstory of huge Bloodwood trees. I’m sure if we’d had the opportunity to survey the property we would have found around 200 species of plants and a number of threatened species as we always do on these blocks.
The rainforest in Cow Bay provides ideal habitat for the endangered Southern Cassowary and the Bennetts Tree-kangaroo. Sadly, not anymore.
The Bloodwood Road property before clearing
We have purchased ten Daintree Rainforest properties in the past twenty months, obviously, we cannot stop there. We are purchasing one property on average every 60 days but if we do not keep up the pace many more will be lost to development.
We urgently need support to purchase Lot 110 Palm Road. We are raising $161,960 to purchase and protect this beautiful Fan Palm dominated rainforest. So far we’ve raised $44,274. We urgently need your help to raise another $117,686.
Please, will you help purchase and protect the Daintree Rainforest. Every $2.00 you donate will help save one square meter of the Daintree. If you donate $50 you will help save twenty-five square meters of the Daintree Rainforest. A donation of $100 will help save 50 square meters and $200 will help save one hundred square meters of the World Heritage value Daintree Rainforest.
Lot 110 Palm Road in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest
We've added more photographs of Lot 110 Palm Road to this album on the Save the Daintree Rainforest Facebook page.
The property has 199 species of native plants and this very high diversity of species and the presence of 7 plant species listed under conservation legislation highlights the importance of preserving Lot 110 Palm Road. Together we can ensure Lot 110 Palm Road is not destroyed like Lot 198 Bloodwood Road.
Please, put a stop to the destruction of the Daintree Rainforest, and make a tax-deductible donation now and help purchase and protect Lot 110 Palm Road.
We’ve identified a total of 207 undeveloped freehold properties in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest that must be purchased for conservation or be lost to development. We’ve proven that with your support we can save the Daintree Rainforest with the purchase of ten properties for conservation in the past twenty months. It's vitally important that we keep the buyback going.
Today there are six similar properties being offered for sale in Daintree Lowland Rainforest including two that are just around the corner from Bloodwood Road.
Right now, there are four houses under construction in Daintree Lowland Rainforest
Please, will you help purchase and protect the Daintree Rainforest. Every $2.00 you donate will help save one square meter of the Daintree. If you donate $50 you will help save twenty-five square meters of the Daintree Rainforest. A donation of $100 will help save 50 square meters and $200 will help save one hundred square meters of the World Heritage value Daintree Rainforest.
Lot 110 Palm Road is located in Diwan in the heart of the Daintree Lowland Rainforest. The property has a boundary on three sides with the Daintree National Park. Buying land in this location helps us to reverse the impacts of the disastrous 1980’s rural residential subdivision. Buying and protecting Lot 110 Palm Road will be a fantastic outcome for conservation. Fan Palms are exceptionally beautiful and there is no question they should be protected.
The beautiful Fan Palm dominated rainforest at Lot 110 Palm Road
With the help of thousands of people, in Australia and around the world we've raised the funds needed to purchase ten properties in the past twenty months. Lot 110 Palm Road will be one of the most important properties we have purchased all that is needed is your support.
Please, join me and make a donation to purchase and protect Lot 110 Palm Road.
For the Daintree Rainforest,
Kelvin Davies
Rainforest 4 Foundation
Phone: 0437 423 119
P.S. You can donate now online or if you want to donate with a cheque/money order or through a direct deposit please see our Ways to Donate page.
P.P.S. If you have any questions about the purchase and protection of Lot 110 Palm Road please see our answers to frequently asked questions or email me at [email protected]. You can also call me during business hours at 0437 423 119.
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