You did it... again! Lot 242 White Beech Road in the world’s oldest living rainforest will now be purchased and managed for its exceptional conservation values.
Through the generosity of hundreds of donors, over the last month, we raised the funds needed to acquire this property for conservation. Settlement on the purchase of this property is now scheduled for the 17th of December. Thank you so much for your support!
This outcome has protected essential habitat for the endangered Southern Cassowary and other species unique to the Daintree Lowland Rainforest. The property contains Regional Ecosystem 7.11.44 which is listed as ‘of concern’ under Queensland’s Vegetation Management Act 1999. Lot 242 White Beech Road also shares a boundary with the Daintree National Park and World Heritage Area. Please see more information here.
This is the ninth property we have purchased in Cow Bay, and the 18th property purchased in total in just two and half years, however, we can't stop now.
The project to purchase and protect land in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest is a partnership involving the Rainforest 4 Foundation, Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation, and fellow non-profit HalfCut.
Thanks to HalfCut and their wonderful supporters for their significant contribution to the purchase of Lot 242 White Beech Road.
Thank you to all our donors contributing to this significant outcome for the world’s oldest rainforest.
One saved, two more to go!
Last month I obtain an option to purchase not one, not two but three Daintree properties to purchase and protect. We've secured Lot 242 White Beech Road. Now we need to protect Lot 8 Buchannan Creek Road and Lot 11 Buchannan Creek Road in Cow Bay.
Purchasing one property at a time has not stopped others from buying land, clearing the rainforest, and building houses. In the past few months, we have witnessed the clearing of several properties in Cow Bay. We’ve got to do more to save the Daintree.
To purchase these two properties, I still need to raise $294,575 and achieve that by the 24th of December. That’s just four weeks away.
Please, donate now and help purchase three Daintree Rainforest properties and protect them from development.
Lot 8 Buchanan Creek Road, Cow Bay
Lot 8 Buchanan Creek Road and Lot 11 Buchanan Creek Road provide an important refuge for biodiversity.
Lot 8 Buchanan Creek Road is an at-risk freehold property that can be developed for housing, just as nearby properties have been in the past. It also shares a boundary with the Daintree National Park and World Heritage Area. Protecting this lot consolidates land that is used exclusively for conservation in this incredibly significant and fragile landscape.
During our survey of Lot 8 Buchanan Creek Road, we found two Threatened species of birds, the Macleay's Fig-parrot and the Southern Cassowary. A total of 176 species of native plants were found on the property including three Threatened species, Noah's Walnut (Endiandra microneura), China Camp Laurel (Beilschmiedia castrisinensis), and Gray’s Walnut (Endiandra grayi), all listed as Threatened in the Queensland Nature Conservation Act (1992). Please read the results of the survey here.
Please, donate now and help purchase three Daintree Rainforest properties and protect them from development.
Lot 11 Buchanan Creek Road. Cow Bay
Our ecologist identified a total of 143 species of rainforest plants on Lot 11 Buchannan Creek Road which also provides habitat for these three Threatened species of rainforest plants - the Noah's Walnut, China Camp Laurel, and Grey's Walnut. We also confirmed this property as a stomping ground of the endangered Southern Cassowary.
Preventing development saves the rainforest from clearing. That prevents fragmentation of the rainforest and settlement that brings more traffic on local roads, the introduction of domestic pets that prey on wildlife, and exotic plants that become weeds. Winding back the disastrous subdivision helps protect the most biodiverse ecosystem in Australia.
Please, donate now and help purchase three Daintree Rainforest properties and protect them from development.
Stopping development will help save the Macleay's Fig-parrot and the Southern Cassowary
My vision for the Daintree Lowland Rainforest requires the buyback of all undeveloped freehold properties in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest and their management for nature conservation. Not only do we want to see no further development, but we also want the negative impacts of the rural residential subdivision to be reversed.
Please, donate now and help purchase two Daintree Rainforest properties and protect them from development.
With your help, we will purchase and protect these two Daintree Rainforest properties at Lot 8 Buchannan Creek Road and Lot 11 Buchannan Creek Road in Cow Bay.
Please see photos of Lot 8 Buchanan Creek Road here and photos of Lot 11 Buchanan Creek Road here.
With the help of thousands of people, in Australia and around the world we've raised the funds needed to purchase 18 properties since June 2019. Now we are ready to save Lot 8 and Lot 11 Buchanan Creek Road from the threat of development and all that is needed is your support.
Please, join me and make a donation to purchase and protect these two important Daintree Rainforest properties.
For the Daintree Rainforest,
Kelvin Davies
Rainforest 4 Foundation
P.S. If you have any questions about the purchase and protection of land in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest please see our answers to frequently asked questions or email me at [email protected]. You can also call me during business hours at 0437 423 119.
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